
Friday, June 27, 2014

Fashion Friday : Pet Fashion Show

I live in NYC, Manhattan Upper East Side no less, so I see a lot of dogs wearing clothing and accessories of all types, including booties, raincoats, sweaters, sunglasses, barrettes...the list goes on. Some of it is form-meets-function, like the vests that double as harnesses, booties to protect paws from hot pavement, and sweaters or raincoats for extreme weather, but a lot of it is strictly for fun.

But fun for the dogs? I don't know.  I guess these Manhattan dogs are used to it, because I never see one walking like this down the sidewalk:

I however, have 3 cats. They do not take kindly when I try to accessorize their naturally fabulous state.

Pirate Meatball lasted for approximately 2.5 seconds before she decided she no longer wanted
to participate in such ridiculous Halloween shenanigans. She is a good sport.

NYC goes so far with their pet-fashion obsession that there is even a yearly Pet Fashion Show! I don't see many (any) cats in there...gee I wonder why!

The New York Post reported on the 2013 Pet Fashion Show. Hard-hitting news. Check it out.

So, what do you think about playing dress up with our pets?  Leave your thoughts in the comment section!


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